Monday, June 14, 2010

Power of architecture

I just finished watching a video called "3 warp speed architecture tales", ( its a presentation of 3 architecture projects by danish architect Bjarke Ingels at a TED convention. He was dressed in a black t-shirt with a comic book style cloud pointing towards his mouth. Very informal and I loved it. How I wish I could attend my meetings wearing t-shirts and track pants!!.........

Anyways I am not going deeper into his fashion sense. He explained about three projects that he worked on; the skyscraper in Shanghai that looks like a Chinese symbol, an apartment complex + parking lot in Denmark and an urban development master plan on an island in Azerbaijan a country in eastern europe (or western Asia, whichever suits best).

The projects were amazing, no doubt, Ingels is one of the most sought after architects in the world. But what was more amazing was the start of the first two projects and Ingels' honesty in revealing it's story.

He had originally designed the skyscraper in Shanghai as a hotel project in Sweden!!!....... which was rejected by the jury in Sweden....... and when they showed some of their old works to a businessman in China, he loved this particular building because it looked like the peoples symbol in Chinese!!!............. and have now proposed it to be built in Shanghai............

It reminds me of my college days............ when we used to finish our designs and then during the last few minutes look at the design and come up with a concept for it.

The second project, the apartment complex in Denmark was proposed just opposite to the apartment where he currently lives and he took up the project and convinced the owners to change the design in such a way that the view from his apartment is unaffected by the new building............. talk about using the power of architecture!!........... I didn't even know that such powers existed in the field!!!............

Anyways........... watching this video has given me certain amount of confidence in the "powers of architecture" and I am now going to rummage through all my old designs and accumulate them............. you never know ........... one of them might just look like the symbol of the Chinese dragon or something!!!